Missions and working orientation

The SupDPO network brings together the data protection officers (DPO) of higher education and research institutions.

To join us, please contact : contact(at)supdpo.fr


Within the association, DPO talk about their common issues in order to :

  1. Ensure a better synergy of our data protection policies in higher education and research (pooling consensus in analysis)
  2. Share and facilitate consensus about the compliance of data processing in our institutions,
  3. Propose common guides and procedures, and put in place data protection policies,
  4. Promote digital and citizen education related to the protection of personal data, and provide advice to the governance decision-making bodies institutions and actors.

SupDPO gathers at the moment more than 180 DPO hired by French universities who talk together through a mailing list. 


  • Leading analysis for the sector,
  • Valuation of the DPO and the efforts made by the institutions,
  • Sustainability of the network and its agility,
  • Make progress digital ethics by concept in data processings.